Top 10 worst places to live in #Scotland 2017

4. Dundee

Slamming in at number 4 is Dundee. Apparently, “Its middle class façade as you progress along PART of the Kingsway (The rest is derelict) lulls you into a false sense of security”. Here’s what our contributors have to say:

It is due to a series of council mismanagement in the past few decades that ‘Dundeh’ (as locals gutturally pronounce it) is the shambolic state it is now.
1 in 3 Dundonians live in areas of deprivation (official figures). Not without reason are the buses between the ‘Hoosin Schemes’ referred to by outsiders as ‘Sh*t Shovels’.
The population is dive bombing and stands at a paltry 147000 compared to near 200000 30 yrs ago. (Census figures) The majority of decent law abiding citizens have shown the city a clean pair of heels whilst they still have some possessions.

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