7. Kilmarnock
Apparently someone alleges “I saw a guy punch his girlfriend and receive a big cheer”, at Kilmarknock bus station. The number seven spot is occupied by this ned ******** dump in East Ayrshire. Here’s what our contributors had to say:
All towns in East Ayrshire are choc-a-bloc with semi-literate, ****** morons.
The remains of a peculiar and utterly revolting local foodstuff may also be found regularly. This brown, gravy-like noxious substance is to be seen spilling from pale yellow polystyrene containers on almost every pavement in East Ayrshire.
Kilmarnock is home to a large number of short, ball-shaped angry looking females who, if not clogging up the inadequate local transport with their gigantic arses, are aimlessly pushing prams and buggies around.