Top 10 worst places to live in #Scotland 2017

1. Glasgow

So here we have it, the worst place to live in Scotland 2017. Just narrowly making it to number 1 is the city of Glasgow. A place where the Ned fashion “still comprises of a thin nylon tracksuit, trainers and baseball cap worn by a dentally challenged youth (though presumably by their identikit offspring, the gene pool is weak and deficient in many respects but not in the realm of fertility)”. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote this year. Here’s what our contributors had to say about Glasgow:

Many of them are grossly obese, particularly the women. Often (and usually in tandem with this) their complexion is either orange or actually terracotta in hue, like they’ve had a collision with a tanker full of Henna.
Some Glaswegians revel in Dickensian squalor and toothlessly quarrel with each other in town as they seek out the best spot to practice their sport of ‘polystyrene cup thrusting’ or ‘BO hurling’ which, for the tourists, is the lowland DSS equivalent of the Highland games.

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