The McCain factory looms over Scarborough like a potato Auschwitz

Is Scarborough a nice place to live or is Scarborough rough?

Back in 2013, there was a spate of murders among the druggie community in Scarborough. Most of the real problem ***** have been brought over from the North West by the council to fulfil some kind of grant for looking after ****** addicts, and for a while **** got serious in the bedsits around town. […]

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Streethouse, or Sh*thouse as it’s affectionately known as by the locals

Is Streethouse a nice place to live or is Streethouse rough?

Streethouse, or Sh*thouse as it’s affectionately known as by the locals, is a small village in the Wakefield District and boy does it live up to its name. Wakefield and the surrounding areas are all f*cking horrible but this place is the worse by a country mile. Everyone in this village is related, some definite […]

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Keighley: one of the most backward towns, I have ever encountered

Is Keighley a nice place to live or is Keighley rough?

As you drive into Keighley, you can’t **** the views. The countryside surrounding it, is immense. There’s a beautiful old cinema, run by a great bunch of people and the stone buildings are delightful. However, having spent some time in Keighley and getting to know the town: it’s a shamefully segregated, sexist, racist and xenophobic […]

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Normanton – The Real Place for “I live near Leeds”

Is Normanton a nice place to live or is Normanton rough?

Normanton is just one of those places where people clearly don’t feel proud to live. From spoiled 9 year olds with iPhones, who probably know more swear words than you to teenagers demoralising you as you walk past – the people are clearly a large contributing factor. The high school of Normanton received a bad […]

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Huddersfield, such a brilliant place to live!

Is Huddersfield a nice place to live or is Huddersfield rough?

Huddersfield, a rough, boring, ******, **** hole. All the following applies to West Yorkshire as a whole. It’s ****. West Yorkshire sucks. I’ll be moving to North Yorkshire shortly. I’ll be giving you a brief overview of what it’s like to live here and what each area is like. I’ve lived here for 13 years […]

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Knottingley, eee by gum it’s rough

Is Knottingley a nice place to live or is Knottingley rough?

I have lived in Knottingley for 10 years, but have known the place a lot longer, I previously lived in Selby,(enough said) and wanted rid of the ******* around there. It’s not a pretty town and was subject to the 5 town policy, ie, wakefield council taking all the money from that area for themselves […]

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Brighouse – the town that time and Calderdale council forgot

Is Brighouse a nice place to live or is Brighouse rough?

Brighouse is adorned with a couple of pound shops, a Tesco and a Sainsbury’s, there was talk of building an Aldi or a Lidl in the town although that seems to have disappeared fairly sharpish. The town is small and I do mean small, so small that you’re guaranteed that you will see either that […]

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Cottingham, we would love our village if it wasn’t so close to Hull

Is Cottingham a nice place to live or is Cottingham rough?

I think I can speak for the entire population of Cottingham when I say that we love our village. Or we would, if it wasn’t so close to Hull. There is a local school where very no paedophilia takes place, a local library where you can take out books and read them, and a Thursday […]

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Bradford, the land of dreams, if you dream of takeaways & pound shops

Is Bradford a nice place to live or is Bradford rough?

Well where should I start with this one. Bradford, the land of opportunity, if its a takeaway or a pound shop you dream of opening. Oh yes there’s plenty of them and drugs and prostitution too. Well actually its an every day thing in some parts of this ********. Speeding supercars flying past every corner, […]

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Hornsea, a posh town for posh peoples!

Is Hornsea a nice place to live or is Hornsea rough?

Hornsea is an up and coming town! The posh big sister of Withernsea at the south and Bridlington to the north. The town is filled with hairdressers well practiced in the art of the shampoo and set, in fact it currently keeps static hairdryer factories in operation. If a 1950s barnet is not your cup […]

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Harehills, Leeds, one of the worst places to live in Britain

Is 6965098466_d21695ed33_z a nice place to live or is 6965098466_d21695ed33_z rough?

I’m surprised that Harehills, in north-east Leeds, has barely been mentioned anywhere on this site. It has got to be one of the worst places to live in Britain.  It’s unbelievable to think now, that this was once an affluent area. People aspired to living here and it adjoined what was then referred to as […]

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Halifax, the locals spoke in grunts and squints

Is Halifax a nice place to live or is Halifax rough?

On arrival at Halifax I asked for directions to the rugby ground. I soon realised that I would need an interpreter as the locals spoke in grunts and squints. When passing a row of derelict houses; well I thought they were derelict until I saw the natives emerging from the properties, strangely wiping their feet […]

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