Milford Haven is just one giant council estate

Is Milford Haven a nice place to live or is Milford Haven rough?

Milford haven, once a thriving fishing industry held this little ports name up high, american settlers built its streets to emulate their home with a simple lay out, the deepest natural harbour in the UK secured trade and wealth, fishing trawlers steaming into port with full belly’s . Yes its safe to say this town […]

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Fishguard & Goodwick, the pride of Pembrokeshire it certainly is not

Is Fishguard & Goodwick a nice place to live or is Fishguard & Goodwick rough?

Ah Fishguard and Goodwick, the picturesque coastal area to which tourists visit in their thousands every summer. Local businesses thriving and the nightlife of a major city, don’t believe everything you read in the papers folks. The pride of Pembrokeshire Fishguard and Goodwick is certainly not. Let’s get started with lovely old Fishguard. The town […]

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