Proud To Be From Keighley? Nah.

Is Keighley a nice place to live or is Keighley rough?

First of all, I’m not surprised that when I search “Keighley” on here, all that pops up is how terrible it is. It’s a shame I have to live here. On my walk home from school, I normally see discarded couches or the average dog poo. The council are too lazy to realise they need […]

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Dewsbury- proof that evolution works both ways

Is Dewsbury a nice place to live or is Dewsbury rough?

After a mere 6 months of living in Dewsbury I still refrain from telling intrigued strangers where I live, instead informing them that I am from Mirfield, the relative haven about 3 miles up the road. Here is why…. 7:30PM: Daylight has left Dewsbury and it is time for me to make my way down […]

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For those who criticise the North

Is The North a nice place to live or is The North rough?

Having read articles on Hull, Sheffield, Bradford, Leeds and Middlesbrough, I think that it’s about time to redress the balance. For the uninitiated, in 1979 a new Prime Minister was elected in the UK. Immediately she set about doing what her party did best. And she was best at it out of all of them. […]

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Harehills, Leeds, one of the worst places to live in Britain

Is 6965098466_d21695ed33_z a nice place to live or is 6965098466_d21695ed33_z rough?

I’m surprised that Harehills, in north-east Leeds, has barely been mentioned anywhere on this site. It has got to be one of the worst places to live in Britain.  It’s unbelievable to think now, that this was once an affluent area. People aspired to living here and it adjoined what was then referred to as […]

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Bradford is the stinking ar*e crack of Europe

Is Bradford a nice place to live or is Bradford rough?

Bradford, in my opinion is the biggest hole in Europe, never mind the UK. With around 526,400 people in its district and most are drug dealers who roll around in their awful pimped up Range Rovers and people who just spend half of their life in Wetherspoons drinking away while claiming benefits. I come to […]

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Wakefield people: Stella in one hand, Greggs Steak Bake in the other

Is Wakefield a nice place to live or is Wakefield rough?

Wakefield, commonly abbreviated to Wakie, proud of its ‘city’ status but blind to its many faults. Nightlife, packed on a Friday and Saturday night, not with happy people having a fun night out, but with shirtless foul mouthed drunks significantly of two distinct types: the 18 to 26 year old male who after 2 pints […]

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