Read More… from Is Sleaford, Lincolnshire a nice place to live?
Sleaford, populated by neanderthals with no desire to better themselves or open their minds and horizons. Indeed, where else has a populace whose ambitions are gaining a tractor license and incest? Narrow-minded, mentally-deficient and blinkered, the average resident of Sleaford (Excepting those who have arrived from elsewhere and have actually seen something of the rest […]
Read More… from Sleaford: completely backwards and they like it that way!
Welcome to Sleaford in Lincolnshire twinned with some german town. This market town is plagued with ***** in fact you can’t move for them and there’s plenty of fast food places that cater for the too-closely-related uneducated ner-do-wells. From them loitering at the train station abusing passengers, sniffing glue or using the the bridge that crosses the […]