Rochdale: A complete abomination occupying the map of Greater Manchester

Is Rochdale a nice place to live or is Rochdale rough?

Majority of the residents disdain this town. The sole act of living here, and even being associated with Rochdale is a disgrace. Not for trivial, but rather major reasons. In fact, the (not so) respectful residents may just happen to be the contributory factor! Possessors of low IQ, users of unknown speech codes, devoted to […]

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Rochdale, gain an understanding of this excremental town

Is Rochdale a nice place to live or is Rochdale rough?

Well what can I say and where the hell do I start. Please bare in mind I have spent time in Middleton, Stockport and Brinnington universally recognised as being poorly kept public toilets. ROCHDALE, once described by Monty Python as a quaint Northern village, I am sure you already recognise this as a misnomer of […]

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Rochdale – Welcome to the cesspit of the universe

Is Rochdale a nice place to live or is Rochdale rough?

Welcome to the cesspit of the universe, where evolution took a break and spat out this breed of useless slack-jawed yocals with less IQ than a glass of water, and told them to breed with their sisters over and over and over. The general places of worship for these mutated gorillas are of course the […]

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