Faversham, Kent, avoid this dump like the plague

Is Faversham a nice place to live or is Faversham rough?

Faversham kent, a seemingly quiet country town? Don’t be fooled, it does however, possess a community website frequented by gangs of old age moaners who take offence at the slightest disagreement with their cliquey rules. They are a pack of wolves feasting upon a piece of carrion. Several notorious housing estates dot the area like […]

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I’ve always lived in Faversham and I can say it is a sh*t hole

Is Faversham a nice place to live or is Faversham rough?

I’ve always lived in Faversham and I can say it is a sh*t hole, but I honestly love it. What’s a town without a bit of banter, fighting, drinking and drugs? -a very boring one. A few stabbings and some vandalism are faversham, and were not ‘*****’ maybe were comfortable wearing trakies and a polo […]

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