Bromyard, known by the locals as “bumrod”, is a quaint town Almost exclusively populated by the silver surfers with its numerous rustic (holes in the roof, if it’s wet, don’t leave the house) and quaint (a code word for the queens’ dance floor occupying a 2 square meter space) pubs ensure this as a retirement […]
Tag: Herefordshire
Hereford, a city of two halves
Pretty cathedral ✔ Attractive riverside walks ✔ An array of interesting independent shops ✔ Buuuuut . . . . Obese natives ✔ run down council estates ✔ rife unemployment ✔ Hereford is a city of contradictions. A fine historic cathedral, beautiful Georgian townhouses and an excellent new shopping centre, yet despite all this, it is […]
Ross-on-Wye: marrying your sister, charity shops and fights
They say Ross on Wye is the birthplace of modern tourism. However the things it is most famous for are; **********, charity shops and fights outside the Eagle on a Saturday night. Ross on Wye has more charity shops than people. Every building is taken up by either a charity shop, run down pub or […]
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