
‘Stanford-Le-Hope’ in recent years has acquired the nickname ‘Stanford-NO-Hope’ largely due to its enormous **** population.

It’s mainly on a Friday night that the ****’s emerge from their council owned slums. They come out in their thousands armed with PenKnifes, Gold chains, Baseball caps, bags of weed (which they’ve stolen from their step-dad’s plantation in the loft) and of course the essential hoody !

To fund their friday nights of terrorism they have to either raid their mothers purses for the weeks dull money or mug the local pensioners, beating them to near death for their £4 pension.

The **** Hotspots are..

The Trainstation – Many ***** come here on the train from the nearby ghettos of East Tilbury, and Linford so its a very popular place for them to gather.

Outside Tesco’s – The ****’s lerk here asking people of a legal age to get their bottles of lambrini, packs of 10 Mayfair and their kingsize rizla. If anyone is crazy enough to refuse the ***** will follow the person, and once out of sight of the CCTV kick the sh*t out of them.

Local Parks – A Haven for ***** of all ages the parks glow at night from a combination of Mobile phone screens, the smoking of cannabis and the burning Ford Escorts. Many 14year old ******** ***** get pregnant in these grounds paving the way for the next generation of *****.

You Have been warned ! Enter Stanford at your own risk !