Shotton, the REAL Ar$ehole of Wales

Ok, so thankfully I don’t inhabite the place, but my poor unfortunate friends do.

It’s a small place, quiet …oh who am I kidding with the amount of miscreants, single **** mothers and lil 12 yr old brats skiving off school, it’s far from quiet.

I usually visit every weekend…to see my buds…and during the summer, it’s breeding time for the lil scals!

Somehow during the months of May-August, the amount of ***** somehow multiplies by 300 AT least…and considering the small size of the place, that’s a hell of a lot of *****.

The miscreant **** wearing their idiotically naff shell suits, over sized underhand “bling” as they like to call it, and their Lacoste or Kappa baseball caps, they run amuck in Shotton, drinking cheap booze that their older cousin purchased from the local off license (not dissin the off license, it’s pretty good :-D), smoking their **** and genereally looking “‘ard”.

You even look within 45 degrees of their direction, and you’re pretty screwed. They come storming over (they being 4ft tall lads and 3ft tall girls who are either pregnant, on the verge, or have had kids) and say “Wha youuuuuu loooookin ah?!…Youuu wanna staht summert?” And you’re like…wtf?

Anyway, to save yourself from this hell….if you’re on a number 10/11 bus from Chester, go riiiiiight through Shotton. Keep driving, and pray you don’t get jacked 🙂

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