Grimsby is the largest town in the relative calm that is Lincolnshire. If you should ever visit, come equipped with a Burberry baseball cap and socks tucked into your shellsuit bottoms otherwise you will stand out like a sore non-**** thumb!
I suppose everyone who’s added their town to this impressive iLiveHere list will think their inhabitants are by far the worst, but I both urge and challenge you to spend a day in Grimsby and neighbouring Cleethorpes. “What’s this?” I hear you cry, “Two towns nominated? Surely that’s not allowed”. Regrettably Cleethorpes goes with Grimsby as well as butter goes with bread.
By day the ***** play havoc within Grimsby town centre, either lurking in the shadow cast by McDonald’s doorway; swigging meths from the bottle at the old Brighowgate bus station; stripping chest-bare and jumping into the condom ******** river Freshney to ‘big up’ their possy; or undertake drugs and petty crime within the shopping precinct, Freshney Place. Many are only truly understood by their three-legged, half bald, limping canine companions called Leo.
Malicious intent and behaviour come as something natural to Grimsby’s finest *****. Grimsby has more single-parent mothers than any other town in the UK, and the UK leads Europe, so statistically Grimsby has more loose, up-for-it, sexually moral-less women than any other settlement in the soon-to-be Super State that is Europa. Just the kind of women that ***** nationwide like to prey upon and knock about after a few pints; the women, who know nothing else, see this as acceptable behaviour.
This is where Cleethorpes rears its ugly head. By day it’s becoming an ever-growing seaside resort, where the Yorkie ***** come with their possessions in bin bags to reside at the “Fitties” holiday camp. Yorkie ***** do not mix with Grimsby/Cleethorpes ***** and the bloodshed is generally within the family so-to-speak until nighfall, when the pubs and clubs open, luring the Burberry cap-wearing local ***** “up Meggies” (the slang name for Cleethorpes) to share a 5 litre bottle of p*ss (sorry, I mean cheap cider) and go on the rampage at 1.45am attacking, slapping, spitting at whoever comes between them and their chance to show off in front of a CCTV camera.
Nowhere but Grimsby/Cleethorpes are there ***** that go out intent on injuring specific people – bus drivers, train conductors, door men – none are safe. I was once on a bus in Sheffield where the native ***** there took a random pop at the bus with a brick; no one was specifically targeted, just the bus, owned by some anti-gay Scottish millionaire. Not so in Grimsby! Ah yes, Grimsby, the home of the fastest running train conductors.