Deprivation Statistics Comparison for Highbury East, Islington

English Indices of Deprivation statistical comparisons for Lower-Super Output Areas in Highbury East, Islington, Greater London

We have used the 7 English index of deprivation statistics Lower-Super Output Areas (LSOAs) in Highbury East, to provide you with an at-a-glace overview of deprivation in this area of Islington. We have combined these statitics into an English ward level, as most people are familiar with this geospacial area in their town or city. Here are those 7 marked on a map:

Each area has its own decile score. This is where each LSOA in England is ranked according to the level of deprivation and split into 10 equal groups. A decile score of 1 means the area is in the top 10% of deprived areas, 2 is equal to the top 20% and so forth. To simply these scores and apply them to a ward, we have created the iLiveHere rating. This takes the average decile score of all the LSOAs in a ward and converts that into a rating out of 10, where 1 is the best and 10 is the worst. We have then used to traffic light colour system as an at-a-glance reference. As you scroll down this page, the more red ratings you see, the more deprived Highbury East is.Indices of Deprivation statistics and are broken down into domains of deprivation or more simply, categories. These category scores are combined using a percentage weighting to give a an LSOA its final indices of deprivation score, decile and rank:

  • Income Deprivation (22.5%)
  • Employment Deprivation (22.5%)
  • Education, Skills and Training Deprivation (13.5%)
  • Health Deprivation and Disability (13.5%)
  • Crime (9.3%)
  • Barriers to Housing and Services (9.3%)
  • Living Environment Deprivation (9.3%)
Below we have split the Living Environment Deprivation category into its sub-categories. We think having individual iLiveHere ratings for Inside Environment and Outside Environment provides a better insight to the housing quality and outside space in Highbury East. However, the Living Environment Deprivation decile is used for the overall ward iLiveHere rating.

Overall Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 6/10
Taking into consideration all the English Indices of Deprivation (2019) domains, this is our overall iLiveHere rating for Highbury East. It is certainly something you should take into account if you are thinking of moving to this area of Islington.
LSOA NameIMD ScoreIMD Rank (England)IMD Decile
Islington 009B34.8465946/32,8442
Islington 009A24.68210960/32,8444
Islington 009C19.0615181/32,8445
Islington 009D17.88916228/32,8445
Islington 013A17.37816660/32,8446
Islington 013B16.10417843/32,8446
Islington 006A15.80118132/32,8446

Income Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 6/10
This iLiveHere rating is an indicator of what proportion of the population are experiencing deprivation relating to low income in Highbury East. The definition of low income the government uses to compile these statistics includes those who are out-of-work (for any reason, not just unemployment) and those that are in work but satisfy the IMD means tests. In the real world, this means they may qualify for means tested benefits such as Universal Credit or legacy benefits such as Working Tax Credits. You should not to assume that this rating is an indicator of overall poverty in this ward.
LSOA NameIncome ScoreIncome Rank (England)Income Decile
Islington 009B0.2643467/32,8442
Islington 009A0.1649270/32,8443
Islington 009C0.12912667/32,8444
Islington 013A0.11414466/32,8445
Islington 009D0.11314540/32,8445
Islington 006A0.09317409/32,8446
Islington 013B0.07620368/32,8447

Employment Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 5/10
This iLiveHere rating is an iundicator of the proportion of working-age residents in Highbury East who are excluded from the jobs market. These are people who are involuntarily deprived of work. The IMD domains include people who are unemployment, those who are sick or disabled, and carers. Since the government no longer publishes percentage figures for unemployment after the introduction of Universal Credit, his is now the only reliable indictor of joblessness in this ward. The higher the iLiveHere rating, the harder it could be to get work.
LSOA NameEmployment ScoreEmployment Rank (England)Employment Decile
Islington 009B0.1714941/32,8442
Islington 009A0.11410484/32,8444
Islington 009D0.08914547/32,8445
Islington 013A0.07218367/32,8446
Islington 009C0.07118447/32,8446
Islington 006A0.05423379/32,8448
Islington 013B0.05224155/32,8448

Education, Skills and Training Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 3/10
This iLiveHere rating ia an indicator of the lack of formal qualification and job-based skills in the Highbury East population. The average Education, Skill and Training rank for children (20174/32,844) in Highbury East is less than the adult average rank (28589/32,844). It could be argued that the more educated adults move into the area.
LSOA NameEducation ScoreEducation Rank (England)Education Decile
Islington 009B21.08813079/32,8444
Islington 009A12.29219673/32,8446
Islington 009C8.14823792/32,8448
Islington 009D6.87225176/32,8448
Islington 013B4.74727607/32,8449
Islington 013A1.68831224/32,84410
Islington 006A1.48731466/32,84410

Health Deprivation and Disability in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 5/10
This iLiveHere rating is indictor of the risk of dying prematurely or having your quality of life impaired through poor physical or mental health in Highbury East. The IMD domain measures morbidity, disability and premature mortality. However, it does not take into consideration but personal behaviour or environmental factors that may be predictive of future health problems. See Outdoor Deprivation for depivation that includes environmental factors such as local pullution levels.
LSOA NameHealth ScoreHealth Rank (England)Health Decile
Islington 009B0.40410267/32,8444
Islington 009D0.18513266/32,8445
Islington 009C0.03315498/32,8445
Islington 006A-0.18718949/32,8446
Islington 009A-0.23319627/32,8446
Islington 013A-0.44122657/32,8447
Islington 013B-0.75926558/32,8449

Crime Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 8/10
This iLiveHere rating is an indictor of how likely you are to be a victim of personal and material crime in Highbury East. In policing statistics, this is known as 'street level crime' and includes offences such as robbery, burglary and other personal violent crime.
LSOA NameCrime ScoreCrime Rank (England)Crime Decile
Islington 013B0.973769/32,8442
Islington 009A0.7615827/32,8442
Islington 006A0.7136361/32,8442
Islington 009B0.5817976/32,8443
Islington 013A0.4579659/32,8443
Islington 009C0.35811047/32,8444
Islington 009D0.1913672/32,8445

There were 1764 street level crime incidents in the Policing neighbourhood that covers Highbury East in October 2024

Barriers to Housing and Services in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 6/10
This iLiveHere rating measures the financial accessibility and physical accessibility to housing and local services in Highbury East. I bad rating in an urban area indicates how unaffordable the housing could be. A bad rating in a rural area is an indicator of the absense of local services.
LSOA NameBarriers ScoreBarriers Rank (England)Barriers Decile
Islington 009B28.8647758/32,8443
Islington 009A26.2469941/32,8444
Islington 009C25.91510244/32,8444
Islington 013A23.7912354/32,8444
Islington 009D22.91313307/32,8445
Islington 013B22.63913591/32,8445
Islington 006A20.56115993/32,8445

Inside Environment Deprivation in Highbury East

iLivehere Rating 5/10
This iLivehHere rating is an indicator of the quality of housing in Highbury East. A bad rating in an equally income deprived ward, could be because of poorly maintained rented accomodation. A bad rating in a non income deprived area, could be because the small size of housing in relation to costs.
LSOA NameInside ScoreInside Rank (England)Inside Decile
Islington 006A0.35511132/32,8444
Islington 013A0.29711906/32,8444
Islington 013B0.28412079/32,8444
Islington 009A0.24812627/32,8444
Islington 009C-0.07317608/32,8446
Islington 009D-0.43823074/32,8448
Islington 009B-1.07829599/32,84410

Outside Environment Deprivation in Highbury East

Extremely Bad
iLivehere Rating 10/10
This iLiveHere rating is an indicator of what the outdoors environment is like in Highbury East. The IMD domains measure the air quality and the rate of road traffic accidents in each LSOA.
LSOA NameOutside ScoreOutside (England)Outside Decile
Islington 013B2.001412/32,8441
Islington 013A1.833691/32,8441
Islington 009C1.748892/32,8441
Islington 006A1.6491160/32,8441
Islington 009B1.5911342/32,8441
Islington 009D1.4961639/32,8441
Islington 009A1.3832067/32,8441

Disclaimer: Although every care has been taken to make sure there are no mistakes in the data presented on this page, you should verify these figures with the official data source.