
Doddington is basically a small fenland villiage thats surrounded by towns populated by people who’s highest ambition in life is to run a dog over with a tractor. Despite it only being one road, there are certain places that look like they’ve been hit with a ten tonne ***** bomb. For starters there’s the Abbey, main hang out of the self proclaimed ( i swear) ” Doddington Massive”. Yup, within 2 minutes of entering expect to see D.M spraypainted allover any brick looking surface ( they only have the intelligence to spray two letters at a time you see). their other main hangout area is just known as ” The Bench”. Its basically a horrid *** stained bench surrounded by Bottles of WKD and white lightning where many a ******** can be heard mouthing off about ” fak’ing gav and ‘is money” or heard shouting abuse at any “punks” that are wearing more than one item of black clothing.( But its o.k, little do they know i always piss on the bench before their nightly chavthering).

Now the doddington massive themselves are a mixed bag of twats. You have the usual 14 year old ratfucks with arms so thin they’d snap if they fell in a bush, and a penchant for those ******* hideous clown pendants. But the rest are made up of that loveable london rudeboy who’s positive he could ” eat J l’os *****” and that he can M.C. The other day, (and this is no joke) i saw one of the ring leaders walking around in the local post office with his shirt off and a ******* beatbox on his shoulder.
And then there’s the ****** who live down the road from me (of who’m the oldest is only ******* twelve) who throw stones at any passers by while their booze stained shellsuit wearing mothers cheer them on from the burberry sofa with a *** in their hand (and propably a **** in their mouth). But the sad thing is thats only the tip of the chavberg, my normally nice villiage is being overrun by von dutch wearing ***** and *********, (there’s about 50 now, in a villiage of over only just a hundred people). So basically, if you ever have to pass through here, you’ll feel my pain of only being a maximum of 5 metres away from these nike wearing vauxuall raping ratshits.

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