
The Derby **** has two outfits, his daytime gear consists of a kappa tracksuit, with carbrini hoody or one of those tops covered in white scribbles. He also wears the notorious burberry cap either peaked upwards or positioned to either to the left or right.
At night he wears faded jeans and a ben sherman top for when he goes to the infamous club known as Zanzibar.

The ******** better known as “Chad ****” is a **** animal known for her large number of kids and shouting abuse at bus drivers who refuse to let them on due to lack of pram room.

Derby’s **** population originates to three areas known as Chaddesden, Sinfin and Allenton where the majority of the housing is council owned.

In recent years the **** population has taken advantage of council housing built in the better areas and thus crime in these areas has increase as well and the average age giving birth has lowered.