Cwmbran, South Wales

Nice to see that the ‘Bran has had a mention. For those who don’t know the area, Cwmbran, new town, is the result of a vision to create a massive sprawl of cramped housing & fill it with biffs, nobbers, do nowts & spongers ( plus a smattering of tidy folk….for the biffs to torment).
Cwmbran is situated between the Chavalopolis of Newport & Pontypikeypool.
I’ve only just started **** watching properly but early observations show that ‘Bran ***** practise eyeballing people from an early age..starting with pets & younger kids, moving up to lollipop ladies & eventually anyone.
‘Bran ***** are ***** at graffiti…when you have a vocabulary of about a dozen words it’s best not to attempt street art. They are however ace at despoiling their environment…**** spotters MUST take a stroll along the canal & admire the truly chronic tree carvings opposite B&Q & pause to marvel at the endeavour that the youth of Cwmbran displayed to fill the canal with trolleys. If you head South you’ll doubtedlessly be rewarded with the sight of cider swilling, *** waving, pimple faced, pig ugly, tattoed girls & boys engrossed in local passtimes such as “bust the bottle” “act like a ****” & “gob on the swans”

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