I know this town is listed twice already, but I have to comment…
Chesham would be a nice picturesque town, very leafy, in a beautiful valley. The place is a little underfunded by the local government (Tory, as ever) but otherwise it’s great.
The ***** are here too. Every night, they loiter outside the McDonalds’ near the train station drinking cheap cider and pissing about on bikes. They all wear Burberry. The ***** vandalise the place constantly: they had the local schoolkids do a mural on world peace and other assorted happy stuff for a subway, and within a week the thing was tagged shitless.
The ***** here are racist too. The place is about as multicultural as you can get, with people of just about every ethnicity, but the town is always put down with names like Banglachesh…aargh, does my friggin head in!
As they say, nice place, shame about the *****. Oh, and btw, to the other two who submitted this, hey from Joe in Pond Park 🙂