Where do I start ? It’s so bad, even Chelmsley Wood is embarrassed by Kingshurst ! It is known to the rest of North Solihull as ‘Binshurst’.People here would rather saw off their own limbs to claim incapacity benefit than get a job. As well as Burberry clad ***** and ********* aged between 0 and 55 (no […]
Category: West Midlands
The worst places to live in the West Midlands
Wednesbury – what can only be called a **** *********** Often acknowledged as one of the most poor and rancid areas in the country, the West Midlands, like all other deprived areas, is a hotbed for that ever expanding breed known as *****. Nestled in the middle of this county, forsaken by decent society (once […]
Willenhall: A charming little Paradise

You think you’ve seen the highest [or should that be lowest] class of **** in England? Think again. You probably haven’t been to Willenhall, and personally I wouldn’t blame you. Their town centre is little more than a village, yet on a busy day it’s worse than Walsall [link opens in this window] in the […]
Kingstanding, Birmingham… My View!
I have read a few posts on this site relating to Kingstanding, and would just like to offer my own view, relating to the many opinions I have seen, and also my own experience of living in Kingstanding. I lived in Kingstanding from the age of eight, and left the area when I was eighteen […]
Birmingham and Worcester
Why is it that I cant go out in Birmingham or Worcester without running into a sea of Burberry Hats, Adidas Tracksuits, Nike Shocks and trousers tucked into socks! Not to mention the ‘Bling’ they seem to find necessary? No wonder people feel threatened these days, ASBOs have gone threw the roof and these little […]
Northfield, Birmingham, the worst place anybody could wish to live

Probably the worst place anybody could wish to live. I was finally liberated two years ago when I moved to Halesowen – another ****** town but nothing on the scale of Northfields. I lived for 15 years in a street called Nigel Avenue, just off Bell Hill. We found ourselves seperated from the mainstream ‘****’ […]
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An Average Saturday Out In Walsall
I’m 14 and as our country is over ridden with ***** and ****** normal teenagers get a bad name. I have had a run in with a group of ***** in the beautiful town that is Walsall. Me and my friends (about 8 of us) went out for an innocent shopping trip. None of us […]
Typical Coventry Day Out…
Having recently relocated to Coventry, one recent Saturday I made my way into town to have a look round. After negotiating my way through the maze of depressingly dark ugly streets, housing hoards of miserable greasy looking foul mouthed occupants, I arrived at the car park. I was greeted by a particuarly ****** looking girl with a […]
Northfield, Birmingham
Anyone who is unfortunate enough to either live or having visited Northfield will know that it is **** central, full of dole dossers, single mothers, crackheads, ***** and **** of society congregate. Usually congregating in the in shopping centre, Mcdonalds and 3 Cooks Cafe thought mostly in the shopping centre dressed like some clone army or rather […]
Dudley – A major hole

OK. I live just outside Dudley, and there are plenty of *****, which i wish [in my imagination only] i could pick off with a rifle or magnum of some kind. They are there thinking they’re hard, smoking and graffitiing the walls, in their matching clothes. Me and my brother were walking past a group […]
Walsall, Birmingham
Walsall hey, if you have never visited this run down dump then you obviousley havnt experienced a proper beating usually recieved by those netorious “*****”. “And if you look to the left here you’ll see Mc Donalds, the outside is usually over run by “what them walsall ppl” call “*****”, if you would like to experience one of these “****” beatings then simply walk down […]
sutton coldfield.
More Scrapings From The Bottom Of Our Gene Pool. sutton, used to be pretty kool, not a kev in sight. Now unfortunately, its slipping into that point of no return. One Word. Mcdonalds. Oh they are loving it alright. especially now theyve had to employ a security guard to keep all the millions of ‘MC […]