Tring, a lovely little town in the 3 county boarders of BEDS, HEARTS and BUCKS, well it was untill the creation on kappa track pants that had poppers on the legs. from the moment that was created and JJB got their stock in it was all down hill. the old market town is a nest […]
Category: Herefordshire
The worst places to live in Herefordshire
Hemel Hempstead, a students perspective
Unfortuantely, I have the deep “joy” that is living in the town of Hemel Hempstead, commonly known as ’emel by dylexic *****. Hemel has a huge **** problem as they swarm about in huge groups, destroying bus shelters and phone boxes as they go. The problem starts in the Junior schools. I happen to live […]
Hemel Hempstead……My Story
Oh Dear, i, (perhaps alone) have the ignomy of spending most of my memorable life in two gutter-**** towns such as Hemel Hempstead and Dunstable. Surprisingly, the latter has escaped some long overdue rubbishing, being as it is, smack bang in the middle of the Herts, Beds and Bucks hotbed of **** talent. I have […]
Borehamwood, a grey, menacing world of 60’s tower blocks & sink estates

I, like quite a few people am fortunate enough not to have to live in Borehamwood. However, I do have to work there, and just a few hundred yards away from the relatively pleasant business quarter near the station, the nightmare of urban chavdom begins. Borehamwood’s main street, Shenley Road is an ugly, run down […]
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Well, what can I say about the wannabe hardnuts of **** of letchworth garden city…..Well walking past the numb skulls if you just look (as if you want to) they would opened their spooned bad mouth and roar,”so what the **** are you looking at” or ”dont look at what you cant afford”…I mean you […]
I go to school in ”berko” and what an interesting place to go to school. Berko has several private schools and a few normal schools – the Collegiate, Egerton Rothsay, Ashlyns, Thomas Coram, Bogwater etc. Unfortunately for me, my parents chose to school me in Berko. ***** are swinging from the lamp posts in that […]
Waltham Cross
As a 14 year resident of waltham Cross I have noticed a dramatic change in that it is rapidly becoming the new **** capital of the UK. Sandwiched on the border of Middlesex, London, Hertfordshire and of course ESSEX! means that Da Cross as the local homies call it is getting the overspill from internationally […]
There is some debate as to whether my home ‘taan’ is in ‘Norf Lundun’ or ‘Haarfordshaa’, but wherever it is, it seems be crawling with pondlife of varying shapes and sizes (in the case of the chavesses- the shape is either pencil thin and bony or lard heap on legs). Suburbs like mine seems to […]
Hitchin. A charming little market town nestled between chavtastic Stevenage and the rather interestingly named London Luton International. Now this is going to be a shock to regulars as Hitchin is slighly different to your usual chavnests, yes; it´s slightly better. All residents possess proof of superior breeding and like to engage in discussions about […]
Borehamwood, **** Central (The flag of Burberry)
Gather round masses and I shall tell you a tale of a town not far from London, a town called Borehamwood…? never heard of it? lucky you, the name itself is enough to make me feel ill. This town has to be the ULTIMATE “soul” home of “chavdom” its a small town in hartfordshire possibly […]
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How right has everyone been about this town, but for a couple of things the gangs of the 80’s & early 90’s were to be feared, but thats about as far as it goes. Unfortunatly being this hell hole i’ve had to witness at first hand the dramatic change from somewhere ‘remotely decent’ to pure […]
whenever i go into town they are usually ******* out outside mcdonalds or on a bench somewhere.In Bragbury End loadza them hang out at the underpass near the shops,just shouting at anyone that goes past,trying2act hard an start a fight. They hang out there with there crappy scooters,wearing there burberry gear,adidas trackies,sovereign rings,sky blue nike […]