Gainsborough, Like Lincoln but smaller

Is Gainsborough a nice place to live or is Gainsborough rough?

Gainsborough is quite a pleasant place to live… if you live in the correct part that is. For example, if you live in the uphill of Gainsborough where Whites Wood Lane is, you’re likely to keep your windows intact. However if you live in a different part your windows may not survive. Gainsborough is home […]

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Sleaford: completely backwards and they like it that way!

Is Sleaford a nice place to live or is Sleaford rough?

Sleaford, populated by neanderthals with no desire to better themselves or open their minds and horizons. Indeed, where else has a populace whose ambitions are gaining a tractor license and incest? Narrow-minded, mentally-deficient and blinkered, the average resident of Sleaford (Excepting those who have arrived from elsewhere and have actually seen something of the rest […]

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Wow! It’s Bourne! A town taken over by takeaways, hairdressers & cafés

Is Bourne a nice place to live or is Bourne rough?

Well, what can I say?! Bourne…a small town. Classed as a market town, yet the market has only around 4 stalls, mostly owned by the same guy! He knows how to make a living from fruit, veg and flowers/plants! The majority of the town has been taken over by takeaways, hairdressers and cafés. The oldies […]

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Hinckley: Pretensions To Adequacy

Is Hinckley a nice place to live or is Hinckley rough?

Hinckley has all the soul-destroying features described in the other articles on this website. It is no different from every other featureless, nondescript dump. Every town has its local nutter. Hinckley perhaps distinguishes itself in one respect here, as it would appear to be a breeding ground for nutters. Nowadays, it’s getting harder to spot […]

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Oakham, sounds a lovely town, never could an impression be quite so wrong

Is Oakham a nice place to live or is Oakham rough?

Oakham in Rutland, with the motto of ‘Much In Little’, it sounds like a lovely quaint town. Never could an impression be quite so wrong. There is little to see or do in this god forsaken hole, the best thing about it being the fact that there are several roads out of the place. The […]

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Ripley, a collection of nail bars and kebab shops

Is Ripley a nice place to live or is Ripley rough?

Yes this old market town that only has one actual market stall was described this way by the BBC. In reality a collection of nail bars and kebab shops would be more accurate. Aside from such shops Ripley also has plenty to offer the casual visitor including the old Co-op store that changes uses every […]

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Ibstock, a journey back to the 1980’s

Is Ibstock a nice place to live or is Ibstock rough?

Ever miss an era of Britain where heavy industry still ruled, where working class people swept their doorsteps, considered “curry” an exotic foreign food. Ever miss a Britain where a single brown face amongst the throng of pale-faced weather beaten islanders was a shock! Do you miss rag-and-bone men, friendly gypseys, miners welfare clubs. Where […]

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Rothwell: God’s Idea of a Joke

Is Rothwell a nice place to live or is Rothwell rough?

Rothwell is the kind of cesspit that will welcome you with open arms and a big hug, only so that when they mug you, you can’t run away. Rothwell square is the well known mating grounds for the ne’er-do-wells yokels. The local scooter gangs, colloquially known as “The Dezbruvs”, congregate around Restaurants and jet about […]

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Rushden aka Roughden

Is Rushden a nice place to live or is Rushden rough?

Well what to say about Rushden. 9,000 Acres of despair, this is a disturbed town and nothing has gotten better in the past years with numerous murders, attempted murders, violent attacks and half of luton using it as a place to sell drugs i can say that this town is a massive problem in Northamptonshire. […]

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Grimsby, a once proud town now taken over by slumlords

Is Grimsby a nice place to live or is Grimsby rough?

As a kid that born and grown up in Grimsby all my life right from 1960, I have seen a great deal of changes and not just the structural side of the town. Grimsby was as I remember, a very clean and proud place with a whole host of occupants that worked hard and looked […]

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South Normanton ‘don’t judge a book by it’s cover!’

Is Bolsover a nice place to live or is Bolsover rough?

I am writing this post in defence, from a post which I just stumbled across!  I moved to the large village of South Normanton 7 years ago, and would quite humbly state, that the only reason I would leave is to emigrate to a warmer climate. For the most part, the village is a hard-working, […]

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Spaldinski, East of Krakow

Is Spalding a nice place to live or is Spalding rough?

Most towns spawn Costa coffee shops. In Spalding, all empty properties are snapped up as Eastern European off-licences where they sell knocked-off ciggies and bootleg liquor which often sends you blind. The population is now neatly divided between disgruntled and elderly Daily Mail-reading gimmers and a younger generation of Poles/Lithuanians/Latvians/Russians – you can easily tell […]

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