Heanor the land where chavy teens rule.

Is 640px-Heanor_Market_Place_tRH a nice place to live or is 640px-Heanor_Market_Place_tRH rough?

Well Heanor where do I start it is an old market town which use to have a thriving community. It once had a market that filled the whole town centre up but now theres just a few frames of stalls, a butchers van and a jacket potato stand, this is the perfect hang out for […]

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There are few places that I have visited in my life that I would describe as hell however 1 place sticks out in my mind as the most sickening place I have ever had the displeasure to visit. Its name is Tideswell. I estimate that the average IQ of the inhabitants of “the toilet of […]

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Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Ilkeston

Is Ilkeston a nice place to live or is Ilkeston rough?

What can we say about this old market town in the south of Derbyshire that hasn’t been said already? Ilkeston should be a wonderful little town full of traditional, working class people going about their business like anyone else.  Instead what you have is a ****-******** hole of a town full of alarmingly young teenage […]

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Derby seems to be a ticking time bomb

Is Derby a nice place to live or is Derby rough?

Derby seems to be a ticking time bomb. In comparison to neighbouring Nottingham, our **** problem seems a lesser situation. However a new phenomenon seems to be occurring. The usual process of sub-urbanisation happens when young families and professionals migrate from the inner city for a more relaxed life etc. However in Derby it is […]

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On first glance – Buxton is a jewel set in the Peak District where obviously middle class folks go about their business squeezing out 2.4 kids, helping out on the PTA and worrying about upgrading the company Mondeo to an Audi A4 by catching the bosses eye on whatever no-mark and irrelevent project they happen to be […]

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Ah Glossop gateway to the peak district. The spine of northern England, famed rightly for it’s breathtaking natural beauty and romantic bleakness. Just a shame such lofty heights must be reached via such a dive. This place really does make you wonder if anywhere is safe. On the surface this place is idyllic. Lovely old […]

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