Category: South West
The worst places to live in South West England
Along the sunny Devon coast lies a nest of such dense chavviness it taints the name of an otherwise Perfect County (well if you forget, as we all should, the existence of Plymouth). For dangerously close together lie Exmouth and its rancid neon clad sister (through incest) Dawlish. I shall not bring myself to discuss Dawlish in […]
Weymouth – Home of the welfare mother

Towns don’t get much worse than Weymouth, at the wretched end of the UK. Assumed by many to be a beautiful part of Daarset (Dorset), it’s a white trash ghetto populated by single mothers. Judging by the ‘local beauties’, breeding from a very shallow gene pool has clearly been rife for some generations. Even the women have […]
Wincanton / Winky / Wincy!
Well well what to say?! Wincanton is a lovely little town with loads of hsitory, but who cares! It’s full of ***** yay! They are the normal common breed, males shagging 14 year olds with hips sagging over their two sizes too small belts and massive hoopy earrings to attract your common male ****. They […]
the downfall of my town – yate
****’s the retards have ******** everycorener of bristol now! you can’t even go for an old fashioned big mac with out hundreds of the fake burberry clad morons making the place look like a **** hole. they think they are above the law we need concentration camps for ***** have done with them they aint […]
Penzance (Pen Sans)
I’m not a big one on violence but I witnessed one of the funniest **** retributions at the weekend. Saturday morning, Penzance main street, people doing their Christmas shopping, stopping and chatting on corners; all very nice and civil. I was chatting to a mate when I heard this engine revving (well, more of an […]
Having lived in the town for the past 21 and a half years, i have always known this town to be a ****-hole. but most recently i have noticed a far worse fate for this former rail-way town, it is ****-Paradise! Being a rocker, i have always dispised this sort of person! Looking around the […]
Recently, the goths who for abour 17 years, had occupied the area known as the sundial, were despursed from that area due to the new civic police, who said that they scared old women, SO with this new territory available, the ***** siesed it for themselves, now, no-one can walk by the area without being […]
Hamworthy,Poole ‘oh to be in Hamworthy in autumn when the chippy’s shut…’
Lying the wrong side of the water in Poole Harbour(which takes some doing in itself),lies my dear home suburb,Hamworthy.Even in the **** Utopia of Poole,Hamworthy is noted for a glut of super-*****; uber-*****,even-,capable of striking fear into the heart of even the hardiest devotee of TKMax or Wilko’s.. In the same way one best sees […]
Read More… from Hamworthy,Poole ‘oh to be in Hamworthy in autumn when the chippy’s shut…’
I was born and raised in Plymouth during the 80’s. Up until about 8 years old my childhood was an innocent one, making new friends, riding my bike, playing football, the usual things you’d expect of any normal upbringing. Interestingly things in Plymouth never stay innocent for long, it’s almost ironic that ‘Freedom Fields’ hospital […]
Bristol (Strangely Chavless!)
I had occasion to visit my daughter in Bristol a week ago & was instantly aware of something not quite right about the place. No *****! In my entire four day visit I saw not one baseball cap worn with the peak above the standard 90 degrees to the forehead. Tracksuit bottoms were worn outside […]
Plymouth and the poor suffering locals
Right this is my first entry so i make no appologies for any mistakes! My questions are….1) what did I (or any other decent human) do to deserve an influx of *****?!?! 2) why are they so god-damn stupid?!?! You can hardly walk throught the town centre (famous for its concrete facade and utter shityness) […]