Ahhh Adlington…or “aggy” as it is fondly known as. You think you have seen everything until you have lived in Adlington as sadly i have for the last five years…to the untrained eye you might be fooled into thining that aggy is a fairly large but very picturesque village. Boy would you be wrong. As […]
Category: North West
The worst places to live in North West England
Congleton: what a place, what a disgrace!

Apparently Congelton is an affluent Cheshire town near to nice places like Macclesfield and Alderley Edge. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!!!!!! It is basically a suburb of Stoke-on-trent, the biggest sh*te hole in the uk. There are about 4 council estates in this town however the ones to dodge are tin town and bug town which […]
right were i live, the is a load ov plazi gangsta’s hu hang out in the kenk ouses sitting smoking weed and talking about benifits. As u stroll down college road u c kids standing out side off licenses asking people to get them sum ale or ciggies. as i walk around the parks in […]
Partington, where do I start with the *****…?? There everywhere.. ******* out at the buckys, near the Redbrook pub, or even the Oak road shops… theres shootings down there at least every few months.. You see these S**tty ********* with big goochi circle earings pushing a buggy with 3 other kinds holdin onto her burberry […]
Where do you start? The local market is packed Friday (benefits paid Thursday…) all the local talent will be there with their rainbow children lifting Rickports and Aiduds .. for little Lateesha, Lamoya, Lirelle and other such names – Golden rule to be observed in Longsight, all your childrens names MUST start with the same […]
The ugly capital of England Forget Chorley or Wigan or even Stoke-on-Trent, MORECAMBE has the highest concentration of ugly and deformed people you are ever likely to encounter. It’s like working on a huge psychiatric ward with all the mental cases walking up and down the streets, smoking, drunk or eating fast food from McDogburgers […]
clayton, manchester
Well i’ve lived in Clayton for quite a few years and started to realise how many ***** have invaded. 14-21 years old ***** are causing havoc on the streets of Clayton, and getting every 14-year-old ******** (female ****) pregnant!! It seems girls think that being pregnant is fashion… where do they get this information?!?! They […]
Shaw & Royton near Oldham, two insignificant pond life hellholes

Adjacent to the classy town of OLDHAM (No comment,I’m taking the 5th amendment on that one), two insignificant pond life hellholes with very little to recommend them, apart from the roads out! Think total hatred. Man U vs Man C, Villa vs Birmingham, Sheff U vs Sheff W, Portsmouth vs Southampton, think again. Shaw vs […]
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Higher Folds (near Leigh)
This is the *********,chavrat ******** council estate I have ever seen.Its in the middle of nowhere has 2 shopsandpost office(for cashin giros).All the local ***** hang round shops shouting abuse at passers by. In the summer the ********* are all out with their piss streaked orange fake tans and denim minis.I think they all put […]
Clayton, Manchester, who needs soaps when you have this sh*t?

Well, I’ve lived in Clayton for quite a few years and started to realise how many ***** have invaded. 14-21 years old ***** are causing havoc on the streets of Clayton, and getting every 14-year-old ********( female ****) pregnant!! it seems these little immature girls with hickeys on their necks think that being pregnant is […]
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A place I would never live in unless I was mentally ill The magnet for the ***** and other low life is the Concourse (or ‘Conny’) where the local low life go Conny Dossin’ instead of going to school. The local Asda is infamous for the number of thefts that occur – usually ***** emptying […]
Rochdale, I must warn you to steel yourself my friend

Much as I would like to take you on a tour of some of the highlights that are Rochdale, I fear I have not the space. We must miss such areas as Freehold, Spotland, Falinge, Castleton and Newbold – names synonymous with shell-suits tucked into socks, gold chains the size of rigging rope and male […]
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