Harrogate – often described as where the posh folk live

Is Harrogate a nice place to live or is Harrogate rough?

Harrogate is often described as where the posh folk live. If posh means dining on fine cuisine of McDonalds, while ******* around on a variety of benches harassing innocent passers by, swearing and chain smoking with a can of Stella then they are spot on! Not really sure how so many people could be so […]

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My night Out in Leeds. Firstly i start off in a pub having a few drinks then what do i see three ***** walk in and blatenly they are underage. There they are with ther nike hats and swinging gold jewelery there rockports with tracky bottoms on. Then they go to the bar and get […]

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How can I do justice to this place without using 5000 words. If chavism is an epidemic then Barnsley was the orignal creator. This is a place that has its own language similar to that of a severely brain damaged monkey. For one slight minute you would think you were in a islamic country as […]

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Dewsbury’s grand industrial past has well and truly ended evident by the amount of filthy, scabby faced scallys which now litter the streets, here dogsh*t is less of a problem than the amount of spit everywhere from the filthy creatures. Here, if u don’t wear nike trainers or ‘**** stoppers’ (trakkys) then you are automatically […]

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Gipton, Leeds

Surrounded by a mish-mash of similarly scally riddled areas this fine pre-war housing estate in darkest East Leeds is to ***** what Strangeways is to psycopaths. Of all Leeds’ pondlife ******** neighbourhoods, Gipton will always have a special place in my heart owing to one particular memorable encounter with the self-declared ‘Gipton Girls’. ‘Twas just […]

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