Perry Barr, Birmingham, consists of Asian *****, fat **** girls in tracksuits & muggers

Is Perry Barr a nice place to live or is Perry Barr rough?

What a absolute **** hole of a place! As soon as you come off the Aston Expressway to get to Perry Barr you enter into the most grim, unsightly place, its Grey, its miserable, its always cold and bleak,not to mention dirty ****** and horrible. You have now entered the ghetto. I unfortunately came to […]

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muckle **** central full of burberry wearing bucky drinking fools most of population on dole because there all spaced out on dope and cant be arsed gettin a job thinking they are all cool driving about on there pimped up push bikes with the lcd lights on their tyres and make shift neon strips (cant […]

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im writing this because of the other story about wythenshawe saying it’s a hellhole and implying everyone who lives there are ****. well wythenshawe is a council estate its not posh all places like this have trouble with crime etc. most people who live here are good hardworking people who have no other choice to […]

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Chippenham (Chip’ numb) is a dump

Is Chippenham a nice place to live or is Chippenham rough?

Chippenham is a small market town in Wiltshire, 15 miles East of Bath. I was living happily in Bath until my landlord decided to sell the house. My friends came to the rescue – or so I thought. They had bought their 1st house 8 months previously in Chippenham (they couldn’t afford a house in […]

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