
Dover and its inhabiting ***** are an overlooked hotbed of scally-ism and general gutter filth. Dover is my home town. Dover used to be a hub of industry, thriving ferry and hover ports, the local paper mill supplied jobs for thousands. The mill shut down and the ferry and hover ports have suffered because of […]

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Carlisle, so bad the Scots don’t want it back!

Is Carlisle a nice place to live or is Carlisle rough?

Where can a person start when talking about the all-round classiness of a place locally known as, without irony, ‘The Great Border City’? Well let me try and sell it to you: 1) – For those who find the local  Aldi a bit upmarket, we have a Lidl chock to the brim with home brand […]

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Helston, Cornwall

A non-descript market-town in South West Cornwall of about 10,000 people, this is a place of little prospects, but many many people living on benefit or doing menial jobs. Helston is quite a sleepy town during the day, where nothing much happens, but come Friday and Saturday nights, the place is a living hell-hole! Around […]

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Despite the quite multi-cultural nature of Bradfordians some little ***** Charvers decided to plague the area with plegm, bloody modified cars and filthy little baby chavletts. Apparently the most blingin’ place for a filthy ******** to hang out is the Leisure Exchange where they flick the v’s at any non-**** who happens to wander by. […]

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Not the archetypal ****-ville, here in deepest darkest Lincolnshire but well on the way. **** HQ is now the Drove end of town where they vie for power with the spliff and smack heads. Sleaford ***** favour bikes far too small for themselves and sport off-white baseball caps (only the tribal leaders can pretend to […]

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Sittingbourne – a bleak wasteland between the M2 & the Isle of Sheppey

Is Sittingbourne a nice place to live or is Sittingbourne rough?

One of my earliest memories is that of a train journey with my mother and grandfather. As the train pulled into Sittingbourne, my grandfather read the sign and growled “hmmmmm….Shittingbourne more like! He then began to sing a song which had the first line “Chaversham and Shittingbourne where all the ******* live”. My mother hushed […]

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Isle of sheppey

Kent… The garden of England, one of the most beautifulist places in England to be infact. But with gardens comes unwanted things, the one part of your garden you avoid. This is the isle of sheppy. The island (thank god its that) is off the coast of kent and is a spawning ground for townies. […]

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Truly unbelievable in ******** stakes in that it is populated by a bunch of people who actually believe they are NOT chavsters. Of course, these are the worse of the lot. This is the attitidue of the over-30s who have amazingly forgotten their (male) ******** past of Drink Driving, drug taking and fighting, while the […]

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i cannot believe nobody has put pompey up on this site i have the joy of being a student in this ***** **** hole, oh happy ******* day. i rented a student house and my car got kicked in…mostly when me and my mate were in it. by 14yr old ******* drinking tinnies of stella […]

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_Amid the housing estates in this relatively nice district, a disturbing scurry of thieving identical appearing **** survives and breeds. A nuclear war can’t destroy the ****** you know! There is a little shopping parade where they all surface and congregate in order to drink cans of rat-lager, shout rat-talk and to indulge in rat-spitting […]

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