
Well let me tell you that in Crawley there must be something in the air, every pushchair you see has its own underaged muva attatched. Its like the newest accessory, as well as those ugly ***** looking things round their necks. What the hell! Those cheap clown things, now who on earth would honestly want […]

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welcome to the wonderful “classy” town of chatham. the glorious home of the chatham ****. the clean and delightful place is full of such wonderfull ASSHOLES. 🙂 there such luvly people. shouting out ***** or ****** at each other and alwayz replying to the mating call off “omg im soo drunk” which consequents in the […]

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Ah…good ol’ Whitehaven where ***** and proud mulletiers can be found to be standing side by side insulting anyone who dares to look up from the chewing gum carpet that is the pavement. Yes, we all love Whitehaven…that is why I am going to write a **** guide to a day out in the wonderful […]

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Maidstone has long been the home of “Chavisim” with its sprawling council estates Parkwood, Tovil, Shepway and Mangravit to name but a few churning out generation after generation of ***** and Chavetts A stroll down the high street of Maidstone town center will quickly bring the inherent and ingrained level at which ***** have gripped […]

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It is badly maintained, scruffy, delapidated, graffiti scribbled, and has no less than 3 Mc Donalds (one now closed and derelict). It has a soulless indoor shopping mall which is lined with nike, adidas, just do it, **** wearing trollops and lard arses. It has 2 ‘pound shops’. It has a war memorial which has […]

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The Apocalyptic End… and it doesn’t stop here!Colchester, the unlikely centre of Chavsville! With a dilapidated bus station best serve their loitering habit and numerous off licenses and Wheatherspoon Bars they have been served a mighty Capitol in which to stretch their ever-expanding hive of Burberry. I argue that an Essex accent is a potent […]

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