Dagenham has turned **** breeding into an exact science. they start from babies with their baby-sized burb hats and tracksuits, being wheeled to the post office on a monday morning in convoy. It is like watching an episode of Rawhide, all these fat heffers driven on by the promise of government handouts, their hair tied […]
Category: East Anglia
The Worst places to live in East Anglia
Billericay lies in the shadow of its more important smarter sister Brentwood

Like Dickens’ ‘A tale of two cities” Billericay lies in the shadow of it’s larger more important smarter sister Brentwood, itself not without the spreading curse of Chavism. A more sinister shadow cast upon the smallish town of Billericay (It’s dumb male residents immortalised in Ian Dury’s “Billericay Dickie”) is the dark influence of Basildon. […]
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Clacton on Sea, Essex, so incestuous that it is twinned with itself

I should first point out that I do not live there (in a sense does anyone?) I have only visited. I may be foolish but I am not bloody stupid! Clacton or ‘Clackers’ or ‘London by the sea’ is a seaside town (the clue is in the name) that is so incestuous that it is […]
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Great Yarmouth
Come over to great yarmouth to visit the numerous hang outs for serious *****, everybody knows that they race up and down our seafront with their blinging fake soveriegn rings and their punto’s, Or strut like john travolta down regent road. But if we dig beneath the surface we can find the real hard core […]
Witham (A.K.A. Shitham)
A housing overspill and series of industrial estate off the beloved A12 between Chelmsford and Colchester. Whilst the two towns either side of Witham can just about still claim some culture (well Colchester anyway when squaddies aren’t rampaging) Witham cannot. A soulless cultural vacum that has no real reason to exist except perhaps to house […]
Nestled amongst much rural splendour in Suffolk, Ipswich is an ancient market town with a rich history. Unfortunately it is now also a hive of the most ******, intellectually stunted and fashion challenged morons in the UK. Central to the mix-and-match-sportswear and Argos jewellery crowd is the shining haven of Cardinal Park, a monumental bastion […]
Rochford a.k.a Lesser Southend

Southend became a ChavTown a long time ago, what was once a holiday destination has been replaced by columns of fast food restaurants, Sports Direct shops and **** Hangouts… Which at night develops into a hotspot worthy of being bombed. Rochford is 5 miles away, used to be a quiet town away from Southend where […]
Hornchurch, Essex
Hornchurch has long been a nice little place to go for a beer with friends of an evening. Up until recently there was no trouble in the evening on the way home. But, things are changing. The ***** from Romford (just up the road) have realised that Romford isn’t safe for them any more. Because […]
Where can I start. With a town with so much history this corner of once sleepy Suffolk has steadily degenerated beyond belief over the last ten years. All the once cool shops have gone only to be replaced by tacky cheap chain shops that supply 11 year old truant ***** and their 29 year old […]
Stansted/Elsenham, Essex
Smallish town Stansted & nearby Elsenham both have a decent amount of **** that loiter with intent of looking stupid. Stansted has its main problems at their railway station where several dozen can gather and light the area up with their sovereign rings and rope chain necklaces and bracelets. Nearby Elsenham, also have a generous […]
Hemel Hempstead- the capital of chavadom
So far I have lived in Newcastle, where the ***** are a particularily vicious breed but thankfully relatively few in number, Rugby where they roam the streets in vast numbers but are reasonable unthreatening and Newmarket where ***** appear to have been successfully controlled although I did not stay long and we all know they […]
Well here we go, to compliment my earlier reports on the towns of Huntingdon and St Neots I give you the last of the 3 dumps in the ‘Chavtown Triangle’……..Bedford – and believe me, i’ve saved the worst ’till last… Let’s start with the town centre and that long time favourite haunt of the local […]