Norwich was once an impressive City in East Anglia with a great agricultural and manufacturing history. One of the few pleasant towns that can successfully pull off a mix of new and old architecture, Norwich in recent years has succumbed to the devil spawn youth of New Labour: the ****. Like nuns in a cucumber […]
Category: East Anglia
The Worst places to live in East Anglia
On the surface, Chelmsford looks like any large market town. In someways, it is even better bearing in mind it’s proximity to London. It doesn’t for example have the oppressive stench of Reading, nor the endless sense of impending violence of Woking, but nonetheless, it is a breeding ground for social ******. Basically it’s for […]
Hemel Hempstead- New and impreoved
Well, since my last piece on here Hemel Hempstead has actually gotten even worse!!! This morning I was skimming through the local paper (The newly named Hemel Hempstead Gazzette no less) What was I greeted with on a full page spread…. a story about a campaign aptley named “Happy in Hemel”. If this sounds bad […]
Watford (by night)
First of all let me introduce the background to this. I’d been out of Britain for 6 months – in a large port city on one of the world’s great waterways, where there is a large British presence and it is considered an extremely dangerous,violent and newsworthy place. Those with half a brain should get […]
Kings Lynn
I can’t believe no-one has mentioned my home town of Kings Lynn in Norfolk, I mean, it is surely the centre of the **** universe, it is absolutely ******’ full of ’em and here’s why… 1. Our Magistrates court is where none other than lotto millionaire **** Michael “Mikey” Carroll goes whenever his brain cell […]
Norwich, capital of East Anglia, and medieval jewel of the broads… or so you would think. Upon entering the city on the A11 you are welcomed by a sign say “Welcome to Norwich, a fine city” This in it’s self proves that ***** can read, as they clearly think this is some kind of an […]
From a sweet little town where I grew up, Ware has become a sort of hiding place for the ***** getting ready to invade other local towns. During the day the only evidence of the **** *********** is the occasional broken bottle/windscreen around the highstreet (and the newly arrived “townies out” graffiti) but it is […]
I live in Sudbury in Suffolk, near to the “****” or as we call them here “Townie” captial that is Colchester. We have townies living in Sudbury itself and travelling in from neaby Cornard *aka- the Nard, Melford, and Glemsford all to come and block up our streets with their townie talk and screwed up […]
Doddington is basically a small fenland villiage thats surrounded by towns populated by people who’s highest ambition in life is to run a dog over with a tractor. Despite it only being one road, there are certain places that look like they’ve been hit with a ten tonne ***** bomb. For starters there’s the Abbey, […]
Hatfield, take the average new town. Kick it about a bit & remove all the leisure amenities

Take the average new town. Kick it about a bit, remove all the leisure amenities, close the schools, shut down the local industry…’s one we made earlier! Modern Hatfield came into creation during the slum clearances at the end of the war. Large numbers of London’s east end **** were shipped ‘out to the sticks’ […]
This town fell into **** hands around the summer of 2003 and as of yet the shroud of Burberry darkness is yet to lift from the few remaining groups of civilised youths. Popular spots for the 1 carat gold wearing goons include outside local newsagents particularly the “Alldays” chain (2 are located in this town) […]
Welcome to Hertford, County Town of Hertfordshire. It has its own website:, and our motto is “Pride in our Past, Faith in our Future.” Immediately, I can spot two things wrong with that motto, and both mistakes lie in the town’s thriving culture of ‘*****’. How to Spot a Hertford ****: Wears McKenzie/Nickelson/other tracksuit […]