Warboys, Warboys, Warboys… Where can I begin! Just 4 miles from the **** ******** Ramsos and about 8 Miles from Huntingdon (**** city…well i say city, its merely a town and a **** one at that). Where is there to go in Warboys I hear you say? Well we have a “Youthie” (pronounced U-Vee) which […]
Category: East Anglia
The Worst places to live in East Anglia
Clacton. Where do I begin? It’s HELL. Burning HELLFIRE. If you’re thinking of coming here, or god help you, thinking of moving here, DON’T! Over-run with ***** and townies, it’s a horrible place to be. A total ******** in the toilet of hell. I hate going in to town (Although why would I? It’s New […]
Cheshunt: take a journey to classless cultural Mecca

The ner’do’wells of the World celebrate by making the journey to their cultural Mecca that is Cheshunt. If Ch@vs have any ambition at all it is to move to this satellite dish, right to buy, black cab drivers paradise. Fat dads jumping out of their cabs to take Mitchell,Jordan, and Taylor(they all have Surnames as […]
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Nothing prepares you for the neverending misery of this godforesaken shitpit. Old men in slum pubs with their arms(heavily covered in homemade tattoos, and scabs of all shades of purple)round their pre-pubescent girlfriends dirty anaemic, pox-ridden, excuse for life-form. Every(part boarded- up) shop is a throwback to the seventies.The “Working(I kid you not )Men’s Club”, […]
Hemel Hempstead, a delight for lovers of grubby concrete & puddles of vomit

Are you a useless, thieving, work shy sh*tbucket with as much worth to society as a cancer cell? Looking for a relaxing break somewhere other than the shopping centre? Then why not take a holiday in scenic Hemel Hempstead? This picturesque new town is a delight for lovers of grubby concrete and puddles of vomit, […]
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Harlow: a very strange place indeed
Ah, Harlow… a very strange place indeed. A small, poor town in Essex, geographically cut off from civilisation. This can very easily be seen in the faces of the genetically mutated cousins, brothers and sisters that inhabit the town centre (look carefully into their eyes!) – (..to locals – if you want to argue this […]
night club, venue, bag -a- poo… […]
Felixstowe i.e The **** Hole Of All Towns.
Ahhh, Felixstowe. full of *****. sworming around the town in gangs pla nning how to get the Ipswich *****, and planning on which bank to attempt to ram raid. the types of people who act black, sound black (with accent) and dress in their pajamas. They buy cheap *** clothes from the great “Felixstowe Market” […]
A town with 1 claim to fame: they make Greene King ales there I have to drive through the place every morning and Im frequently stunned by the lack of suitable genetic material in the locals. Not only do baseball caps seem to be MANDATORY but there seems to be a big craze for piggy […]
Sudbury Suffolk (again..)
If you serch for Sudbury then no doubt you’ll have read my previous Sudbury article so you basically know about the place. Basically thought I would give a kind of update in case anyone was interested, also I know people have read this so I’d better give them something new to read (Button). I have […]
I wont give you a huge tour of all of stevenage but i will give you a warning about a part of it where i used to live. CHELLS steer clear! the Glebe in particular is and has been for some time a wasteland. The glebe is just a small group of shops near a […]
Peterborough – the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
To start with, Peterborough is located in Cambridgeshire. as with every other town in cambridgeshie, peterborough is 100% ******** with *****, foreigners and travellers. there are many parts of Peterborough, and each part has different species of ****. there is the Welland area, which only one English person lives there. everyone else is either portuguese […]
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