Great Yarmouth not only supports the highest concentration of ***** in East Anglia, but it is also the number 1 mecca for **** holidaymakers! They bring down their whole bloody **** family, Kev, Shaz and the usual 8 babies … Madison, Courtney, Brooklyn, Dean, Tracey, Kev Junior, Kev Junior 2 and they ran out of […]
Category: Norfolk
The worst places to live in Norfolk
Hunstanton (Norfolk) – **** holiday heaven
Whereas Badajoz may be a popular holiday hotspot for those ***** educated enough to actually know where Spain is, I fear that the great uneducated majority of ***** subsequently opt to holiday in the UK. Of all the places they could go to for sun, smoke and ******** (Southend anyone?), many flock to that strange […]
tescos, hmmmmmmmm the highlight of townie life. superdrug seems to be the in place to hang out, if not try the great new look, also numerous sportshops provide excellent **** entertainment. mcdonalds is also a great place for townies to hang out and meet new friends, also it is their main career choice, as they […]