ahhh, this area is lovely, surrounded by areas such as erdington, firs estate, ward end. castle vale and hodge hill. The estate has an area of about 1 square mile and has 4 20 storey tower blocks, about 6 12 storey tower blocks (this is after about 7 flats were demolished at the chillinghome tower end of the estate).
The estate has several **** hang outs – ‘the woods’, this is where ***** like to meet up and set trees on fire, dump stolen cars in the so called ‘pond'(if it can be called a pond) and set them on fire (last time i visited there were 3!). Another area the ***** like to hang out is the bromford supermarket row of shops, this is where the younger ***** like to stand all day asking people to go in the shops and buy them 10 B&H gold and a bottle of white lightning and of course swearing and shouting abuse at anybody who refuses, after they have done this they only have to walk about 20 metres and your at the ansells pub where the younger ***** will meet their older **** friends and they will have a fight. A new place where ***** like to hang out is the new basketball park/ skater park or whatever it is on the bike track, it only took a few weeks before this place was covered in grafiti and fights were taking place every day, but i guess its better than the gypsys that used to visit us, needless to say the ***** loved going over to have fights and shout abuse at them, but they didnt really stand for it. When the gypsys left they would leave mess everywhere, bags of rubbish, horse ****, dog ****! The ultimate **** hang out must be the paddock, this is where ***** play football and get into fights with each other once losing, its also a favourite place for the local gangs to fight each other after they have managed to get drunk on white lightning and are stoned.
Most ********* you see on the estate are of course pushing pushchairs around, shouting abuse, smoking spliffs and screatching ‘HOWS DA BABBIE!?!?’. The boys on the other hand, they are just the typical *****, the odd 1 with a 4 year old on the back of their bike.
In the paper the other week was i think it was 6 boys who had been made subject to anti-social behavior awards because they have been terorising residents, causing damage to residents’ houses & smashing street lights. They caused £94,000 in smashing street lights alone, yes £94,000!!
The estate is also lucky enough to have been on a few tv programmes such as neighbours from hell and crimewatch due to its **** behavior.
Education in the area is very bad (mainly secondary schools), the local schools include:-
Hodge Hill Mixed-GCSE 31% (average 53.7%)
Unauthorised ab. 2.8% (av.1.2%)
authorised ab. 8.5% (av. 7%)
behavior = broadly satisfactory
the school has recently come off special measures.
Washwood Heath-GCSE 26% (average 53.7%)
Unauthorised ab 1.5% (av. 1.2%)
authorised ab 8.4% (av. 7%)
behavior = unsatisfactory
the school has also recently come off special measures.
Bromford Junior – authorised ab 5.4% (av 5.1%)
unauthorised ab 0.5% (av 0.4%)
this is a good school for the area, the problem is most people from this school go to bad schools and end up being *****.
Tame Valley Primary-authorised 6.1% (av. 5.1%)
unauthorised 1.9% (av. 0.4%)
None of these schools are particularly brilliant = ***** in most cases, the attendance at the 2 secondary schools has improved significantly over the past year, hodge hill used to have 5% unauthorised absence, so hopefully this will give the bromford estate a chance of improvement if the ***** actually bother to go into school and the schools acheive a high standard of behavior.
Washwood heath and Hodge Hill used to love their ****** fights threatening each other with knifes and managing to get into the paper every couple of weeks for trashing school buses and causing thousands of pounds worth of damage (yobbish behavior), washwood heath is the worst in the city with trashing something like 14 buses in 1 year.
The flats
The flats are lovely places where people enjoy hiding around a corner until old ladies come to try and gain access to their flats and then mugging them. The flats are also well known for the drug dealing and drug taking inside them.
The ***** love writing their tags over the flat walls, a flat which has recently been demolished has had a like fence thing put around it, after 2 weeks it was covered in grafiti! This is the location where the 26 bus driver was stabbed for no apparent reason by ****(s).
I come accross a diary account of somebody living on the estate and thought you might find it interesting to read it, the link is www.bromfordbridge.co.uk, 1 of the diary accounts is – “Came home around 8:pm just as I was getting to the front door of my block a middle aged man came towards me (Dark hair black leather jacket) followed by a gang of Kids aged from 9 -17 years old A proximity( mostly white some mixed race)10 in number he had cuts on his face and looked very shaken up he told me they had be throwing stones and bottles at him they were still shouting abuse at him while I was there, I waited with him and called the police, they backed off as I think they could see I was calling the police. I do not know if the police came out but the man walked of in the direction of Chiperfield RD, later that night I looked from my flat window and watched the same man who had the cuts on his face with a proximity 5 other males, who knows what was going on! did get some sleep that night”