Winchcombe: Where Pinot Grigio and Pitch Forks are de rigueur

Living in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire

When you drive through Winchcombe or visit Sudely Castle you could be forgiven for looking at this chocolate box Cotswold town and thinking ‘how lovely’. The reality of living in this god forsaken place couldn’t be further from the rural idyll it pretends to be. Decades of ********** have resulted in many families bearing the same surnames and there is a higher than usual amount of dim witted souls who struggled to finish compulsory education.

With a huge social housing estate of the old depressing kind and the new ‘affordable’ kind you can be sure of regular police contact, fights in the working mans club, Facebook wars and a paedophile ring. Contrast that with the ever increasing Cheltenham folk looking for cheaper housing, wine bars and somewhere they can wear their tweed uniform other than the races. The two combine to create an atmosphere of constant alcoholism in the many bars and pubs with a side order of drink driving, cocaine habits, swapping spouses on a regular basis and a deep lack of any discernible intelligence.

By all means visit for a day and you won’t find any trouble but make the mistake of moving here and you may well find yourself living amongst the kind of chavvery the Cotswolds likes to pretend doesn’t exist. Put more succinctly… watch ‘This Country’ before moving here lest ye be forewarned. #strawdogs

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