Nantwich: the place that time forgot

Living in Nantwich, Cheshire

Nantwich is nn old town in every respect, its buildings have a quaintness that people come to see. Most of the older properties in the centre, have a quaint waterfall from their gutters when it rains, the pavements hold pools of water and the “Cheshire Set” have a seemingly unquenchable thirst for alcohol.

Yet to be dragged into the 21st century due to the reluctance for change, the town boasts as many banks and building societies as it does oriental restaurants…. fancy a bit of fast food…forget it…it would lower the tone….clothes shops dedicated to the fashions of years gone by, but hairdressers and nail boutiques a plenty.

Those who visit for the day be warned, be out of town before the sun sets or face the local surge of youth heading for bars and clubs, with police cars in the town centre and bouncers on every door. You could join in and drown your sorrows, but I suggest you consider using the canal for drowning, it’s cheaper.

If you like bell ringing, then Thursday evening is the night for you. If you like closed shops and a sense that a massive hangover is hovering over a community, try Sunday afternoons, ultimately if you like somewhere friendly, with a wide variety of things to see and do, then don’t visit Nantwich, the town that time forgot.

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